Sunday, October 27, 2013

MacPorts and Mavericks

Upgrading to a new Mac OS X version always brings compatibility issues with Mac Ports and Mavericks is no different.

I am currently fighting through my version of Dante's Inferno trying to upgrade all my ports.

I started with good intentions and did all the corrects steps for an upgrade:

1. I updated the MacPorts Installation itself.
2. I updated Xcode and the command line tools (very important as the TCL support has changed).

Then the fun started.  Everything broke on the llvm-3.0 installation, which is not supported in Mavericks.  So far I have been backing out ports that depend on it until I ran into python27.

I deactivated llvm-3.0 and all its dependents and then did an

"upgrade python27"

That totally blew up on the compiling the Fortran option for Atlas.  That's where I have stopped for now.

I think I found a path!  I did an "upgrade gcc45" (for the Fortran) and now everything is flowing.

Update (11/3/2013)

I was able to get the general ports base updated/upgraded, but had problems with asymptote and octave-devel.  I opened tickets on both.  I worked with the octave maintainer this week and it now compiles successfully.  According to him the octave base is compiling with a Fortran compiler (for now?).  Asymptote is still broken.